
Buying a home for face
April 17, 2024

Face is a core element in Singapore’s culture. It is a highly valued commodity in our society. If a person has face, he or she has dignity, reputation and honor.
Having or losing face during CNY

Singaporeans are particularly sensitive to retaining face in all aspects of our lives.

We treat somebody well because we want to give face. In return, we can earn face and be respected. In contrast, we lose face when we feel inferior or treated unfairly. Then someone has to say or do something for the purpose of face-saving.

For example, every year before Chinese New Year is the busiest time for home renovation business. Because we cannot afford to lose face by letting visitors see our rundown house. Likewise, prices of COEs always go up before Chinese New Year. What a good opportunity to show off a brand new car in front of families, relatives and friends.

There is a joke about visiting the extended family during Chinse New Year. For the wife to have face, the husband doesn’t have to do exceptionally well. He only needs to be a bit better than his sister-in-law’s husband. That is the magic of comparison.

In Singapore local movies, there are often scenes with guys pretending to be somebody that they are not – with more wealth, better titles or higher social status. But it makes them feel good because they have more face now.... read more